How homeopathy can help relieve your anxiety?

The overwhelming worry,  incessant thoughts, threatening scenarios racing in your head. It feels too much to take in. 

The feelings and thoughts are spinning out of control. 

Feeling on edge, restless and fatigued?

You are not alone!!! You are 1 of every 13 people that globally suffers from anxiety and 40 million people just like you are found in the USA alone as announced by The World health organization. 


We all know that it is healthy to be a bit anxious before a new undertaking, an examination or when facing change. There is a healthy level of anxiety that helps us focus and execute better, but we are living in an era with the increasing growth of anxiety disorders. 


Why do you have anxiety? What causes it?

There might be a variety of causes to your specific type of anxiety. 

Environmental toxicity: What are you exposed to 12

Food: What you eat 3, 4

Mindset: How do you perceive things 56

Trauma: What happened to you 7

Genetics: Your inborn tendency (in Homeopathic terms-miasm) 8

Your anxiety might be caused by just one of these aspects, for example, a traumatic experience or is characterized by an interrelation of different causes.

Is important to know that in Classical homeopathy all these aspects are taken into consideration. All the angles the biological, environmental, social, psychological and behavioural have to be taken into account to be able to address your unique condition.

We should also not overlook how your anxiety affects you physically. What physical symptoms or diseases you have that might be related to your anxiety. There is a growing number of physical symptoms that are related to our emotional and mental state. You may experience stomach aches or headaches without being aware that they are caused by your anxiety. 9,10

It is helpful to be more gentle to ourselves by understanding that the general environment and social structure foment anxiety (already before the world-shattering global pandemic).

We are living in a fast-paced time of transition with intimidating changes and pressures that can be easily overwhelming for many. 11, 12


If you want to manage something, anything. What is usually the first step you have to do?

Would you agree that the chances of you being able to solve any problem are higher if you understand what you are dealing with? 

The better you understand it, the easier it will be to manage it.


There are many types of anxiety, what is your specific type?

The classical categorization of anxiety defines 4 main types:

Generalized anxiety 

Long periods of uncontrollable worry about everyday issues and events, which might be accompanied by fatigue, difficult concentration or restlessness.


Social anxiety

Is a persistent fear of being judged or evaluated by others, accompanied by an intense discomfort interacting with others.


Panic disorders

Sudden bursts of extreme anxiety accompanied by sweaty hands, a pounding heart and shortness of breath.


Specific phobias

Fear of certain situations, activities, animals or objects. Irrationally exaggerating the danger and feeling panic and terror for example about heights, planes, spiders or snakes.


Obsessive-compulsive disorder and Post-traumatic stress disorder are disorders that are accompanied by anxiety. Were used to be grouped with anxiety disorders, but now they are categorised under their own category.


Probably you are familiar with these categorizations, but do they satisfy your needs and explain to you your condition?


Or you might feel that:

-my condition is generally fitting the description of the disease but is not exactly as I experience it

-what about my other symptoms, which are caused by my anxiety (fatigue, headaches, sleeplessness etc. )if they are connected with my anxiety why are they treated as a separated state?

-what is actually causing my disease, why do I have anxiety? If it is unknown how can it be solved?

The matter of fact is that you are not being treated, your disease is being treated. Your disease is being addressed and not your unique condition in its totality. 


Scientific research and the homeopathic approach to your condition

Homeopathy takes into account your specific type of reaction to your environment, your lifestyle, emotional state, mindset, traumatic events, the details of how and when you experience anxiety and your genetic tendency.

It analyzes all these aspects and creates a specific profile of your current condition approaching you as an interrelated system, not as separated pieces.

Your emotional state might be connected with a variety of physical symptoms, no aspect should be overlooked.


Various scientific studies have confirmed the therapeutic effect of homeopathy on anxiety and depression.

A study was done with patients that did not respond to conventional treatment for anxiety and depression. The clinical response suggested that the use of homeopathy is effective with a 50% reduction through standardized validated tests in mild and severe conditions.

Davidson J, Morrison R, Shore J, et al. “Homeopathic treatment of depression and anxiety.”


Homeopathy can also be used as an additional treatment to the conventional approach.

In a study, 87 patients who suffered from anxiety and depression were divided in two groups, those that consulted a GP-Homeopath were more likely to have clinical improvement after 12 months than those in the group that used only conventional treatment. 

Danno K, Duru G & Vetel JM. “Management of Anxiety and Depressive Disorders in Patients ≥ 65 Years of Age by Homeopath General Practitioners versus Conventional General Practitioners, with Overview of the EPI3-LASER Study Results.” 


In France, 710 patients in general practice participated in an epidemiological cohort study that compared utilization of conventional psychotropic drugs among patients seeking care for anxiety and depression disorders. The analyses showed those, who chose to consult GPs prescribing homeopathy reported less use of psychotropic drugs and were more likely to experience clinical improvement, than patients managed with conventional care.

Lamiae Grimaldi-Bensouda, Lucien Abenhaim, Jacques Massol,et al.“Homeopathic medical practice for anxiety and depression in primary care: the EPI3 cohort study”

Depression and anxiety are different conditions, but they commonly occur together. They also have similar treatments, for more information about the successful results of homeopathy in depression click here.


Homeopathic remedies for anxiety 

Homeopathic medications are prescribed with meticulous detail, to match your specific condition at this moment.

In homeopathy, we have over 600 different remedies that could be used for anxiety, 40 of them being the most frequently used.


Some exapmples of the homeopathic remedies that are commonly used to treat anxiety and addresses a different type of anxiety:

Calcarea Carbonica

Is a dependable person, that you can always count on, reliable and trustworthy. She needs stability and a safe and predictable routine. Bad news affects her very strongly. Easily feels overwhelmed because of too much work. Tends to be apprehensive and anxious about financial matters. 


Is an intelligent, empathic, openhearted, sensitive, fun and excitable person. Loves company, thrives with friends and in social circles. Extremely sympathetic, oversensitive to external impressions and struggling with their boundaries. Anxious especially about their health, the future and about being alone. 


Mild, gentle and tearful. In need of your attention, support and reassurance.  Feels insecure and tends to be clingy. Her moods are very changeable and she feels dispersed. Will feel anxiety about losing the emotional support and attention from a person or group. Hormone changes will have a marked influence on her wellbeing.


Is polite and intelligent, generally more shy and reserved with low self-confidence. Will tend to please people and not express her own opinion to not create discomfort. Might not express it but is stubborn about her point of view. A refined slower-paced person, that likes her alone time, feels anxious about socializing and public speaking.

Arsenicum Album 

Will easily feel anguish and be very restless moving from place to place. Tends to feel sad, insecure and fearful. Is a very tidy person, that needs every object in his house to be in a specific place. Obsessive about small details, need to be in control of everything, having an ordered environment makes him feel safe. Is anxious about his health and

if unwell, needs a very close and supportive person to be at his side. 


Each of the above remedies (maybe is easier for you to imagine them as different people) will also have specific physical tendencies. Being more prone to a specific type of physical diseases such as for example hormonal imbalances, skin problems or heart complaints. Each of them will also have different needs about what makes them feel better and worse physically, emotionally and mentally.

in the Homeopathic Materia Medica the remedy descriptions are comprehensive about all aspects of the person and their condition, one remedy alone easily fills up a few pages.


Is it safe for you to self-prescribe without consulting a professional?

It depends! 

To make a long answer short in anxiety cases is definitely not safe. 

I covered this extensive topic in detail in my free ebook “How you can use homeopathy to heal yourself and your family safely”. You will be soon able to download it here.

Homeopathy acts in a very deep way addressing the core problem of your situation, because of this a specialist in Classical homeopathy is needed.


What can I expect from homeopathy in my case?

How does it feels the effect of homeopathy?

The symptom relief that a substance produces is the main focus of those scientific studies. 

Unfortunately, currently is still a prevalent understanding in medicine, that the main aim of a treatment is to relieve the symptoms. Analyzing human beings in separate pieces.


Homeopathy proved to be at least as effective as the main anxiolytics. Providing symptom relief without any side effects.


But what is being overlooked is how people experience the treatment with homeopathy. 


Which is actually the most important part.


Our anxiety is just a sign of something, there is a reason for Why You have anxiety.

The aim is not to lower the symptoms and being completely unaware of why the anxiety is there in the first place, but to understand what is our “blind spot”.

What causes our anxiety and be able to learn from it and overcome it in a healthy way, achieving long-term results.


Every case is unique, not everybody feels clearly a shift in their perception and approach, it depends on how well we understand ourselves and how we act, etc.

But we see a general trend, many people will say “ah, now I see why I was so anxious” or “I remember one event from my childhood, I expressed my frustration and pain, now I feel different” or “I feel more myself now, I feel stronger, I reconnected to myself I feel so much better”.

Many people describe the changes they have about the perception of their condition or about their behaviour in general. They might let go of some old grudges or forgive themselves. 

Everybody is different. 

Homeopathy is not a magic wand, will not always work perfectly on everybody and bring them their lives back, but to many it really does. 


There is an explanation why it is so but is too technical and too long for the purpose of this article.
(if you are interested in why is so be sure to subscribe to our newsletter)


Therefore…what is the effect of homeopathy?

If prescribed properly can help you address your symptoms, raise your vitality. Gain more clarity about your life. 

Helping you in your learning process and personal actualization.


“Happiness is the highest form of health.”